As the team behind, your safety and privacy is our top priority. We value freedom of expression but we have zero tolerance for illegal content, non-consensual material and child sexual abuse material (CSAM).
By using our reporting feature, community members can easily alert our staff to potentially harmful content. Reporting content this way is easy, confidential, and serves to alert our team of human moderators to review the identified content or comment.
Please complete the form below should you be the victim of, or come across content that you have personal knowledge of as constituting:
- Non-consensual production and/or distribution of your image (e.g. revenge porn, blackmail, exploitation);
- Content that reveals personally identifiable information (e.g. name, address, phone number, IP address);
- Any other abusive and/or illegal content
🚨🚨Read this first before reporting URLs▶️ Because a post/gallery can contain images of multiple individuals, make sure to mention the “exact” JPG URL of the image(s) to be removed in your message or else we won’t be able to help you. You can report multiple JPG URLs in the same report by separating each URLs with a space.